TS3 Tribune Adapter
Catalogue no.: 0957
- L shaped connector for creating tribune system TOMKOstage
TOMKOstage tribune can be created very easily by using just the standard decks and standard legs. The connection between the individual levels is done by tribune adapter. It attaches to the higher-level leg (via the groove in the leg profile) and holds the lover level deck without the need of any extra legs.
Statically approved the TOMKOstage tribune can be elevated up to the height of 3.2m (three point two meters).STAGE DECKS
Various shapes, sizes and surfaces of STAGE DECKS. Tailor-made solutions. Laying out variable stage constructions.
Connecting up to 4 stage decks with a single leg. Stage meets legs only through the aluminium frame so the plywood board is protected against damage.
The stairs are in the quality and design of the stage deck. Folding stairs can be connected to the stage NIVTEC, TS3...
Easily attached railing to stairs and platforms. if the platform is higher than 0.6 m, it is recommended to use a handrail. If the height of the stage is over 1.5 m, a railing is mandatory.
Complete sets of the most used stage sets. We can make and deliver the stage to order in non-standard dimensions.